Simplify the management of your applications with MyCVthèque.
MyCVthèque helps you gain time, improve application processing, establish a link with your talents and promote your image as employer.
Discover the key functions of MyCVthèque Talent Management

Comment attirer les meilleurs profils ?
How can I attract the best profiles?
In some clicks, you can automatically publish a job offer on all your dissemination networks. MyCVthèque provides your company with an integrated job section.
Are you alone at the HR Department?
The answers to your job offers and unsolicited applications are centralized, regardless of the channel used: your website, your mailbox, your social networks or a job board! You’ll receive anything on the same place: your talent pool is automatically created!

Vous êtes seul au service RH ?

Comment identifier le meilleur profil ?
How can I identify the best profile?
It is always accessible and usable, through the keyword, multi-criteria, geographic or offer-based research. Any applicants have a dedicated area where they can track their application, upload their CV and their cover letter.
How can I follow my to-do list?
MyCVthèque helps you process your applications. You can record, share and schedule all your recruiting actions.

Comment suivre mes actions réalisées ou à faire ?

Comment coordonner les recrutements avec les autres services de l’entreprise ?
How can I coordinate the recruitment with the other services of the company?
Your managers or operating agents may be involved in the application tracking.
How can I measure my activity?
You can measure your activity generating statistics: amount of calls, interviews, recruitment, etc.

Comment mesurer votre activité ?

Vous voulez un meilleur traitement des candidatures ?
Are you interested in a better application processing?
You can communicate with your applicants when needed, without forgetting them, as MyCVthèque is able to send a selection of job offers, single or multiple answers to the applications, manual or automatic acknowledgements of receipts, the choice is yours! And you will be notified in due course.
Suitable to your needs
MyCVthèque is entirely customizable and provides your company with a professional communication tool focused on the job market and a complete management of your platform.

Adapté a votre besoin
Do you need more? MyCVthèque is also:
A complete CRM tool, ensuring the management of internal mobility as well as the management of outplacement, or a customizable tool suitable to your needs.
Why should I choose MyCVthèque?
It increases the processing time of job offers and applications
It favours a qualitative approach
It develops the company’s image.
It capitalizes and centralizes all information about recruitment.
It frees companies from technical constraints.
MyCVthèque is an SaaS solution (ensuring a secured Internet access), constantly and simultaneously available to several actors.
The solution updates are transparent, availability is guaranteed and data are systematically saved.

Customer testimonials

Stéphane Vulfranc, Directeur de RUNGIS GE
“MyCVthèque has been a partner for us from the beginning and has been assisting us for 5 years now. It’s a major tool of our daily activity that has never failed…"
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Claire BAE, Directeur Emploi CCIFJ
“… lthe flexibility and adaptability of MyCVtheque teams have helped us to develop in record time new functions to develop our image. "
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Cécile Gachignard, RRH d’Une Pièce En Plus
“Mycvthèque a révolutionné notre approche du sourcing et notre gestion du recrutement.
La traçabilité des CV nous permet de fiabiliser notre plan sourcing et de faire de meilleurs choix …"
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